simile and metaphor 比喻 ; 明喻和暗喻 ; 明喻与暗喻 ; 明喻和暗喻的区别及举例
Metaphor and Simile 明喻与暗喻
simile & metaphor 比喻 ; 明喻和暗喻
situation-based metaphor and simile 就境设喻
Part 100 Simile and Metaphor 第100部分
The power of the metaphor, simile, parallel… figurative language is not only a good way to put things into perspective, but metaphors are easier to remember than a complex set of interactions.
Common language of metaphor and simile form of metaphor.
If might be an image, a comparison, the finding of likeness between unlike things which is at the heart of metaphor and simile making.