... #创建一个对象(creating an object) #调用一个对象的方法(method to invoke an object) #蠢办法添加属性(stupid method to add attributions) ...
An ORB would receive an invocation message to invoke a specific method for a registered object.
OR b将收到一条调用消息,来为注册的对象调用一个特定的方法。
The IOR is critical to IIOP and any client that wants to invoke a method on an object will send a Request message to the host and port address detailed in the IOR.
The pattern has been easy enough: instantiate an object of type TextTestRunner, add tests and the outputter to it, and then invoke the run method.
这种方式非常简便:实例化一个 TextTestRunner 类型的对象,在其中添加测试和输出器,然后调用 run 方法。