methyl group 甲基 ; 正方形代表甲醇基群组
Methyl group transfer 甲基集团转让 ; 甲基基团转移 ; 甲基集团转移
labile methyl group 不稳定的甲基
methyl group donor 甲基供体
pendant methyl group 甲基侧基
methyl group donator 甲基供体
methyl or methylene group 甲基和亚甲基
methyl pendant group 甲基侧基
The team looked at methylation, in which a methyl group is placed onto cytosine in DNA sequences.
Darwin taught us that it takes many generations for a genome to evolve, but researchers have found that it takes only the addition of a methyl group to change an epigenome.
When a methyl group attaches to a specific spot on a gene - a process called DNA methylation.