...strial robots),工业自动化( Industrial automation),配件和组件( Accessories and components),度量衡学( Metrology),机械,材料和设备的焊接( Machines, materials and equipment for welding),机械及设备处理和后整理( Machines and equipm...
Economic Metrology [经] 经济计量学
Applied Metrology [计量] 应用计量学
engineering metrology [计量] 工程计量学
Metrology Engineer 测量工程师 ; 计量工程师
optical metrology 光学计量 ; 光学测量 ; 光学计量工
International Organization of Legal Metrology 国际法制计量组织 ; 国际法定度量衡组织 ; 国际标准化组织
China Metrology Accreditation 中国计量认证 ; 简写 ; 认可 ; 计量认证
legal metrology [计量] 法制计量学 ; 法制计量 ; 法定计量学
An image metrology method using liner CCD camera is discussed in this paper.
参考来源 - 线阵CCD在异形回转体轮廓尺寸测量中的应用Developed a manual 3D reconstruction system based on the theory of single view metrology.
本文的主要工作如下: 1.基于单视图测量理论开发出了一个交互操作的三维重建系统。
参考来源 - 基于图像的三维重建技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N the science of weights and measures; the study of units of measurement 度量学
The main contents include theory econometrics and applied economic metrology.
Frequency combs have dramatically simplified and improved the accuracy of frequency metrology.
Light sources, narrow and broadband, as well as the metrology and medical outcomes they produce, are discussed.