谷歌风投合作伙伴、科技博客专栏作家MG•西格勒(MG Siegler):西格勒正在进行一项实验,即每隔几天就用新的应用取代智能手机主屏上的应用。现在,他在使用图片消息应用Taptalk。
"Why did Google blog about patents today?" Techcrunch's MG Siegler asked on Wednesday.
TechCrunch's MG Siegler is reporting that Chrome is now the most-used browser among that site's visitors, having slightly edged out Firefox in November.
据TechCrunch的MG Siegler报道指出,在该网站的访问者中,Chrome是目前使用最广泛的浏览器,在11月以微弱之领先Firefox。
MG Siegler irrationally loves the iPhone and it has become an important fashion accessory and self confidence crutch in his San Francisco hipster lifestyle.
MG Siegler盲目地热衷于iPhone,它已经成为他在旧金山的时尚生活的一个重要的流行配件和信心来源。