...) 卫生疾病与工程学(Engineering in Health and Disease) 材料设计(Materials by Design) 微纳米技术(Micro and Nanotechnology) 化学与生物分子工程学理科硕士专业的主要课程包括有当今的化学和分子生物工程学,化学与生物进程分析介绍,工程热力学,应用物理...
Micro- and Nanotechnology 微电子和纳米技术 ; 纳米技术 ; 微型
Micro- and Nanotechnology Enterprise 微型和纳米技术企业
Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory 技术实验室
Micro- - and Nanotechnology 微电子和纳米技术 ; 纳米技术
Micro- - and Nanotechnology Enterprise 微型和纳米技能公司 ; 微型和纳米技术企业
Micro and Nanotechnology Centre 微纳技术中心
Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise 微型和纳米技术企业
And much of the buzz about micro devices has shifted to nanotechnology, an endeavor that makes MEMS researchers look like hard nosed pragmatists.
The new methods mainly contain the adsorption of natural materials, modification materials, humic acids, biosorption, quod of silicon micro encapsulization and nanotechnology.
The application of micro - nanometer particle plugging technology, displacement pressure decreasing and augmented injection nanotechnology and basic theory research I...