),美国的军费开支和军工复合体(military-industrial complex)部分地刺激了美国生产力的增长。今天,美国的军费开支依然很高,它占到美国联邦预算的五分之一,大约相当于世界军费开支的45%((...
Military Industrial Complex III 后四关
The Military Industrial Complex 军工联合体 ; 军工复合体
Military Industrial Complex 军工联合体 ; 军工联合企业
Military Industrial Complex logo 军事工业复合体
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in the US) the combined interests of the military establishment and industries involved in producing military material considered as exerting influence on US foreign and economic policy (美国)军工复合体; 生产军用物资,被认为能影响美国的外交和经济政策
The military-industrial complex battens off the gigantism of advanced technology;
What is remarkable about this budget is that military spending is largely spared, showing once again the power of America's military-industrial complex.
As Takashi Uesugi, a campaigning freelance journalist puts it; Japan's equivalent of America's military-industrial complex is the "bureaucracy-media complex".