In other words, thatparagraphauthorises the useofforceto preventattacks on towns and cities, whetherthoseattacks are directedatciviliansor even at what would belegitimatemilitarytargets.
And the Qaddafi regime has chosen as a government, as the militaryforce, as the -- well, as a government and a militaryforce to undertake attacks of those citizens and those civilian-populated areas.
Mr. Obama said for the first time that the 2001 congressional Authorization for the Use of MilitaryForce adopted after the Sept. 11 attacks should be revised and eventually repealed to recognize that al Qaeda is a terror organization on the path to defeat.
In September, a three-judge appeals court panel ruled that the detention was lawful, citing the president's constitutional powers as commander in chief and the congressional resolution authorizing the president to use militaryforce against the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks.