mill-run 未经检验的
mill run-out table 机后输出辊道 ; 轧机的输出辊道
mill run-in table 机前输入辊道
Soybean Mill Run 由大豆壳和大豆肉组成 ; 粗大豆
W Mill Run 街道地址
Saw Mill Run 街道地址
wheat mill run 粗小麦
N the current of water that turns a millwheel 水车水流
The company has a mill run plant, an iron plant, a pipe casting plant and a cast plant.
The hull fraction is sometimes toasted separately and sold as mill feed or as mill run.
The results show that the technic conditions are in reason, and the aim of mill run is stable.
But the reason is ultimately, Mill claims, a utilitarian reason once you consider the long-run interests of humankind, of all of us as progressive beings.