财政和经济部长 finance and economy minister; minister of finance and economy 对外关系部负责欧洲事务的部长级代表 delegue du ministre aupres du ministre des relations exterieures charge des af ..
minister of economy and finance 经济和财政部长
EISUKE SAKAKIBARA, Vice Minister of Finance, Japan, 1997-1999: Japan is a very sort of parochial and very closed economy; there's no question about it.
大藏省次长, 日本,1997-1999:日本是一个地域狭小的国家,经济非常封闭,这一点毋庸质疑。
British Finance Minister George Osborne said Monday that "the fundamentals of the British economy are strong" and Britain will "provide stability in these challenging times."