minister of state for culture
... 国 country; nation; state 文化国务部长 minister of state for culture 多元文化国务部长 jason kenney ...
minister of state for culture
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Tessa Jowell, Olympics minister and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, said Dame Kelly's involvement would be "a real boost" for school games.
BBC: Dame Kelly hopes to inspire future champions
The other five ministries going to Accord bloc members include higher education, culture, minister of state for foreign affairs, minister of state for women's affairs and telecommunications, he said.
CNN: Sunni Arab bloc rejoins Iraqi Cabinet
The inquiry's lead questioner, Robert Jay, pointed to a raft of internal News Corp. emails that detailed the relationship the media conglomerate developed with Jeremy Hunt, the U.K. Secretary of State for Culture, Media, Olympics and Sport, the minister who ultimately became responsible for deciding whether to approve News Corp.
WSJ: Political Furor Over News Corp.'s BSkyB Lobbying at Leveson Media Inquiry