少数名族文化 » Minorities Culture 不要睡得太晚,它对身体有害 » Do not sleep too late, it is hazardous to health ..
inheritance of the minorities culture 民族文化传承
access of minorities to culture 作者的权利 ; 少数群体对文化的享有 ; 在相互平等和尊重的条件下参与文化生活
minorities xinjiang culture 新疆民族文化
Very few people would want to go back to the past when minorities had to give up their differences to fit into the mainstream culture.
Women and minorities account for about 66% of our new hires, so we clearly want to make sure that our inclusive culture is developing them into leaders and be successors to our top leaders.
Since there are so many ethnic minorities in America, every culture has contributed a bit of their local food to American cuisine.