...一年制研究生班”(福特班)学习,赴溪大利亚格里菲斯(Griffth)大学、美国麻省理工学院斯隆商学院(MIT Sloan of Management)从事访问研究。
MIT Sloan School of Management 斯隆管理学院 ; 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院 ; 理学院 ; 麻省理工斯隆管理学院
“Boards should pay as much attention to these IT operational risks as they do to other operational risks in the firm, ” argues George Westerman of the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Many of them are put off by the way the academic promotion system works, explains Lotte Bailyn, a professor at MIT Sloan School of Management.
据麻省理工学院斯隆学院教授Lotte Bailyn称,她们中很大一部分人败在了学术升职系统的运行方式之下。
He's talking about a cognitive limitation, "an important and pervasive problem in human reasoning" that he has documented by testing graduate students at the MIT Sloan School of Management.