...讯网 关键词 :转子中心体;支臂;焊接;冷裂纹;温度控制;万家寨水利枢纽 [gap=1247]ete for face slab, mix proportion test, mica content, machine-made granite sand, artificial Longling limestone sand, Qiezishan Reservoir ..
The mix proportion test and practical construction check demonstrate the concrete indexes of the anti-scouring wall meet DE.
The mix proportion test carried out before construction and quality inspection conducted after construction are introduced, which can assure the engineering quality of piles made cement-soil material.
This paper introduces the mix proportion of high fly ash content concrete instead of 30% cement with fly ash and some experiment results of the test examples in laboratory.
介绍了在水泥混凝土中,采用粉煤灰替代30 %水泥的高掺量粉煤灰混凝土的配合比设计,以及试件力学性能的室内实验结果。