Mixed marriage 异族通婚 ; 跨国婚姻 ; 涉外婚姻 ; 杂婚
Chinese American Mixed Marriage Association 中国媳妇美国郎
mixed marriage act 异族通婚法
regulation on mixed marriage 混合婚姻规则
Citizenship for mixed marriage family 埔里印尼关怀
Mixed d marriage 异族通婚 ; 跨国婚姻 ; 涉外婚姻
mixed-race marriage 异族通婚
mixed race marriage 不同种族通婚
Marriage is more mixed 结婚就更难说了
By contrast, at the time of the Loving decision, 70 percent of Americans said they opposed mixed-race marriage, he said.
To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them.
首先我必须承认, 刚开始时我对异族通婚是有保留的,也许你甚至可以把这称为偏见。
I stay in ShangHai and my neighbor is the mixed marriage couple which between Germany and China. We're the best neighbor across our community.