移动自组网(Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)是建立军事和民用快速通信系统的理想技术.如何在其中提供不同的服务质量(QoS)是其面临的一个重要问题,而基于QoS的路由技术则是其...
移动自组织网络(Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, MANETs)作为一种特殊的无线网络在军事以及民用上表现了良好的应用前景和商业价值,另一方面由于自身固有的缺陷为M...
...移动自组网络路由探讨(终稿) 移动自组网络路由探讨(终稿)_互联网_it计算机_专业资料。移动自组网络(mobile ad hoc network: manet)是一种不依赖任何固定的基础设施的新型的无线移动网络。它.
Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network 动自组织网络 ; 移动分布式无线网络
mobile ad hoc network manet 移动adhoc网络
manet mobile ad hoc network 移动自组织网络
Mobile Ad hoc network node 移动自组织网络节点
the mobile ad hoc network 移动adhoc网络
mobile ad-hoc network manet 移动自组织网络
Mobile Ad Hoc network is a non-infrastructure,mobile Ad Hoc networks with dynamic topology and wireless communication features.
参考来源 - 基于信任的移动Ad Hoc网络AODV路由协议研究The mobile Ad Hoc network is a wireless system without a fixed (wired or wireless) infrastructure. It is a self-organizing network composed of mobile nodes or users.
无线Ad Hoc网络是一种不需要固定基础设施支撑的、由若干移动节点组成的自组织无线网络。
参考来源 - 无线Ad Hoc网络中若干关键技术研究There is no center node in the ring signature, so it is more suitable for mobile Ad Hoc network of controllable anonymous communication.
参考来源 - 一种可追踪签名者的环签密方案·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a temporary network that fixed basic station and centralized management is not needed.
Combined public key and threshold cryptography are applied to key management for Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) in this paper.
Researches on ANYCAST in Mobile Ad hoc network are analyzed with the discussion of conception, networking model, and the service choosing measures of ANCAST.