【正文快照】: 移动电子商务(Mobile e-commerce)是指利用手机、PDA、掌上电脑等移动通信设备,通过有线、无线通信技术的支撑,在有线、无线混合的复杂网络环境下所实现的一种快速、...
mobile e commerce 移动电子商务
Mobile E-Commerce platform 移动电子商务平台
mobile e - commerce 移动电子商务
On Mobile E-commerce 移动电子商务漫谈
mobile e-commerce detail 移动电子商务
mobile e-commerce security 移动电子商务安全
m-commerce shorthand for mobile e-commerce 移动电子商务
enterprise s mobile e-commerce 企业移动电子商务
Secure Mobile E-Commerce System 安全移动电子商务系统
In 2002, theexpenditure on mobile e-commerce by almost 58 million mobile users wasabout $2.3 billion, and almost 17 percent mobile user had used mobilee-commerce.
2002 年,全球 5740万移动用户在移动商务领域共花费 23 亿美元,使用人数占移动用户总数的 17%。
参考来源 - 移动电子商务环境下的支付模式及其在旅游房产交易系统中的应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Even some experts predicts that mobile E-commerce will take the place of the traditional one soon or later.
WPKI plays an important role in mobile e-commerce, and the certificate retraction technology is its key component.
Based on mobile payment industry as the research object, e-commerce, mobile e-commerce, mobile payment are summarized.