... 火狐手机操作系统 Firefox OS 手机操作系统 windows phone ; Mobile phone OS ; google android ; Linux 开放式手机操作系统 Open Mobile System ...
However, all of these new smartphone releases, firmware updates, and mobile OS progressions can make it difficult to decide which phone is best for you.
The Mango update of the Windows Phone (WP) 7 mobile OS announced in May is not publicly available but it can be downloaded by developers and flashed onto unlocked WP7 devices.
五月份宣布的Windows Phone (WP) 7移动操作系统的“芒果”更新还没公开发行,但开发者可以下载并刷到解锁的WP7设备了。
One of Stephen Elop’s biggest moves after being tapped as CEO of Nokia was to dump its Symbian mobile operating system for Microsoft’s Windows Phone OS.
在成为诺基亚的CEO之后,斯蒂芬·埃洛普现在又使出一记狠招,与微软合作,使用Windows Phone 手机操作系统替代自家的塞班系统。