...词: 现代有机合成; 新概念; 新方法; 进展 中图分类号: O 621. 3 文献标识码: A [gap=15243]Key words: modern organic synthesis; new conception; new method; development 责任编辑: 谢桂英 ..
...选择性有机合成反应和复杂有机分子合成设计 · 现代有机合成 【现代有机合成化学】 现代有机合成化学 (Modern Organic Synthesis)学分有机波谱分析 (Organic Spectral相关搜索 有机合成化学 精细有机合成 有机合成 有机合成及实验 有机合成装置 现代有机合成化...
modern organic synthesis detail 现代有机合成
Modern Fine Organic Synthesis 现代精细有机合成
Modern Developments in Organic Synthesis 副标题
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis 当代有机合成方法第四版
In the modern organic synthesis, it is an important method to synthesize optical pure compounds starting from the appropriate chiral pools.
In the modern organic synthesis, it is an important method to synthesize optical pure compounds starting from the appropriate chiral pools.
Halohydrocarbon is one of the most important organic compounds and widely used in chemical industry, agriculture, material, environmental protection and modern organic synthesis.