...al and Western Medicine on Digestion] 中医药对功能性消化不良的研究现状 [现代中医药 Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine] 莫沙必利与多虑平联合治疗功能性消化不良的疗效观察 [实用临床医药杂志 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice] ..
...治5法 [中医杂志 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine] 血精论治五法 [现代中医药 Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine] 对中医男科理论研究新说之探析 [辽宁中医杂志 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine] ..
...l Chinese Medicine University of Hunan] 中西医结合治疗外伤性玻璃体积血 [现代中医药 Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine] 外伤性玻璃体积血38例临床分析 [现代实用医学 Modern Practical Medicine] ..
The system theory is one basal theory of the drug delivery system of the modern Traditional Chinese Medicine prescription.
Manipulation therapy with combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine is an important component of integrating traditional Chinese medicine with modern science and technology.
The exploration on the regulation of traditional Chinese medicine on GR has established a modern physiological and pathological foundation for research of traditional Chinese medicine.