Fast Modular Exponentiation 快速模幂运算
Modular-Exponentiation Operation 模幂算法
large integer modular exponentiation 大数模幂
modular exponentiation algorithm 模幂算法
Modular Exponentiation Group 模求幂组
modular exponentiation multiply 模幂乘
algorithm of modular exponentiation 方幂模算法
Different from binary method of modular exponentiation,the article introduces a faster and more effective sliding window method combined with Montgomery algorithm and the CRT(Chinese Remainder Theory). The flow charts of signature and verification are also given.
参考来源 - 一种RSA算法之数字签名系统的快速实现方案 in CAnd then, we propose new modular exponentiation algorithmsagainst SPA attacks. We further reduce them against SPA attacks under our generalizedSPA mode and compare them with similar algorithms on performance characters.
参考来源 - 电源分析与实用防御措施的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
On estimation of optimal window size in m_ary algorithm in modular exponentiation and point multiplication;
Modular exponentiation is the most common fundamental and time consuming operation in RSA public-key cryptosystems.
The performance of RSA decryption has direct relationship with the efficiency of modular exponentiation implementation.