... sensor values传感器数值,如目前水温,室外温度,引擎转速,车速值 momentary speed瞬间速度 system voltage电瓶电压 ...
momentary speed variation ratio 瞬态转速变化率
momentary speed variation 瞬时转速变化 ; 暂态转速变化
maximum momentary speed 飞升转速 ; 最大瞬时转速
incremental momentary speed droop 增量暂态转速下降
maximum momentary speed variation 瞬时最大速度变化率 ; 最大瞬时转速变化率
momentary speed adjusting device 瞬时速度调节装置
incremental momentary speed variation 增量暂态转速变化 ; 暂态转速增值率
For an engine of a given horsepower, single cylinder engines require large flywheels to keep the momentary speed variations.
The experimental results verified the accuracy and feasibility of the denoise method to process the momentary speed signal for engine misfire detection.
According to the basic characteristics of internal combustion engines, crank Angle domain and its frequency domain were chosen, and engine momentary speed fluctuations were divided.