... )侏儒抹香鲸(Kogia simus)抹香鲸科(Physeteridae) 抹香鲸属(Physetr) 抹香鲸(Physetr macrocephaus)一角鲸科 一角鲸属(Monodon) 一..
Penaeus monodon 斑节对虾 ; 草对虾 ; 甲壳动物 ; 巨型老虎大虾
Monodon monoceros 一角鲸 ; 独角鲸 ; 海象鲸
P monodon 斑节对虾
Penaeue monodon 斑节对虾
Pinaeus monodon Fabricius 斑节对虾
Penaeus monodon Fabricjus 斑节对虾
Monodon Baculovirus 斑节对虾杆状病毒 ; 杆状病毒
Laidre's team began taking measurements in 2005, by capturing 14 narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in nets and attaching the electronic gear to the animals' dorsal fins.
With transmission electron microscope and technique of ultrathin section, we studied the baculovirus diseases on Penaeus Penicillatus Alcock and Penaeus Monodon Fabricus.
Compared to results in the previous two years, White Spot Syndrome (WSS), Monodon Baculovirus Disease, Yellowhead Disease and Mourilyan Virus Disease were not found this year.
相较于前两年,今 年养成场并未检出白点症、草虾杆状病毒症、黄头病毒症及毛利病毒 症。