... Opportunity cost 机会成本 Monopolistic 垄断的 Oligopolistic competition 寡头垄断控制下的竞争 ...
... provision 供应[(+of)] 2. 预备;防备[(+for/against)] 3. 食物;粮食;给养 4. 规定;... monopolistic 独占性的;专利的;垄断的 pioneering . 开创的,首创的,先导的 ...
Monopolistic competition [经] 垄断性竞争 ; 垄断竞争
monopolistic exploitation 垄断聚敛
Monopolistic Advantage 垄断优势理论 ; 垄断优势 ; 垄断优势论 ; 性优势
monopolistic market 独占市场 ; [贸易] 垄断市场 ; 断性竞争市场
Monopolistic Advantage Theory 垄断优势理论 ; 理论
monopolistic competition market 垄断竞争市场
The monopolistic business model 垄断模式
monopolistic capital [经] 垄断资本 ; 独占资本
Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 垄断竞争和寡头垄断 ; 垄断竞争与寡头垄断 ; 垄断合作和寡头垄断
ADJ If you refer to a business or its practices as monopolistic, you mean that it tries to control as much of an industry as it can and does not allow fair competition. 垄断的; 独占的 [usu ADJ n]
It would be an egregious error to equate the monopolistic producer with bountiful expenditures on research.
In 1948, struggling independent movie producers and exhibitors finally triumphed in their battle against the big studios' monopolistic behavior.
Despite these finding, we are urged to support monopolistic power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation.