... monotone function 单调函数 monotone increasing 单调递增; 单调增 monotone increasing function 单调递增函数 ...
... 单像定量摄影测量 monoscopic quantitative photogrammetry 单色调递增 monotone increasing 回归月 month tropical ...
monotone increasing function 单调递增函数 ; 单递增函数
strictly monotone increasing 严格单递增的 ; 严格单调递增
monotone increasing sequence [数] 单调递增序列
monotone increasing convex function [数] 单调增加凸函数
monotone increasing set function 单调递增集函数 ; 单调递增集合函数
strictly monotone increasing function 严格单调递增函数
monotone increasing array 单调递增数组
It is also found that the ratio between the two in the refracted light is monotone increasing.
A new growth index is put forward with the introduction to a strictly monotone increasing function other than the logarithm to this function.
In this paper, we studied a class of t monotone increasing operators and obtained some fixed point theorems, generalized and improved many known results.