Michel de Montaigne 蒙田 ; 米歇尔·德·蒙田 ; 蒙泰涅 ; 哲学家
Université Michel de Montaigne 法国波尔多第三大学
IUT Michel de Montaigne 所大学技术学院
Michel de Montaigne once noted that his goal in life was to travel around and find a place where he could spend a full happy year, undisturbed and filled with fun.
He who establishes his argument by noise and command, shows that his reason is weak. — Michel De. Montaigne, essayist.
大声嚷嚷和命令别人来表明自己说明他的理由是脆弱的- - -米歇尔。德。蒙田,散文家。
But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel DE Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.