...与制度秩序的权利(denial of rights),这实际上是剥夺了对道德责任地位的敬重,会削弱一个人的道德自尊(moral self-respect);叁是对于个体或群体的生活方式的贬黜(denigration of ways of life),也就是特定的自我实现的方式在社会传承的文化境域(cul...
The reason that is a self sealing argument is that is a moral absolute, that we must respect all moral beliefs you cannot derive a moral relativism from a moral absolute.
If you guide the people by moral force, keep order among them by ritual, they will keep their self - respect, and come to you of their own accord.
Morality in essence is a kind of individual voluntary behavior based on values choice, with understanding as the basis of moral conducts, self-respect as the starting point of morality growth.