right of morality and education 道德和教育权
practice of morality and education 德育实践
ideology and morality education 思想道德修养
maintaining morality and respecting education 讲道德重教化
morality and quality education 道德素质教育
morality and emotion education 道德情感培育
Morality and Morallity Education 道德与道德教育
Morality and education are the foundation of a country. The absence of either makes success impossible. Education without morality is dangerous. Morality without education is also harmful.
With its heavy emphasis on morality and nationalism, the new legislation bears some resemblance to the Imperial Rescript on Education of 1890.
新通过的法案因其对道德以及民族主义的浓墨渲染,它和1890年为教育制定的“帝国诏书”(Imperial Rescript)有几分相象。
The view of education based on the positivist knowledge theory makes us only focus on knowledge instead of belief and morality while constructing our education ideal.