more flexible working hours
...p international market difficulties encountered, presented after the fin 工作时间比较灵活 » More flexible working hours 其次,在学习之余,我们应该多参加课外活动 » Secondly, in learning, we should take part in extra-curricular activities ..
more flexible working hours
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.
If they can get a larger office, better equipment or more flexible working hours, they might treat change more openly with lower resistance.
Working from home can give you much more flexible hours, but if you’re constantly interupted it’s going to be a lot harder to get things done.
In its own unusual way, Vita Needle proves that by changing a little to accommodate an older workforce being more flexible about working hours, tolerating older people's technophobia (the fax machine has been accepted, but computerisation is still at least a year away) and, above all, stressing trust it is possible to gain a lot.
ECONOMIST: Can America��s workforce grow old gainfully?
They rightly want to break down the country's system of nationwide pay bargaining, link pay more closely to productivity, cut red tape and make working hours more flexible all good ideas for loosening up Germany's corpulent economy, reducing its social costs and labour-market stickiness.
ECONOMIST: Germany��s choice
Their new selling points are sandwiches with the boss, opportunities for advancement, flexible working hours and more holiday time.
ECONOMIST: Recruitment