...I interrupted him, the conversation brought back up the logical order of the normal 再具体一点呢 » More specifically it 我来自中国 只能看懂一点点的英文 所以你们说什么我几乎看不懂 对不起 » I check only understood little English from China so...
More specifically, it is the ability of subclasses to respond differently to the same messages.
More specifically, it should not depend on documents having the appropriate xsi: schemaLocation attribute.
更具体地说,它不应当靠拥有正确的xsi: schemalocation属性的文档。
More specifically, it has canceled next week's planned roadshow and is reassessing its timing on a "week by week basis."
Specifically, we'll talk more about this, it's talking about different orbitals, it's the spatial part of an orbital.
More specifically, what does it mean to say that an individual can be seen ? as magnified in his or her country, or that one's country is simply the collective expression of certain individual traits of character?