: 中文名称: 晨衣[有装饰的晨袍] 中文别名: 英文名称: Morning gown 英文别名: 中文名称: 莫洛昆绉绸 中文别名: 英文名称: Morocain crepe(=moloquin) 英文别名: Page 378 of
She boarded her bus in the morning as usual, but on this day, she was wearing a wedding gown.
One morning as I sax draped in a long gown - it must have been about ten o 'clock - I heard some footsteps out in the courtyard.
"Let's go to the matinee this afternoon," said Mrs. Vance, who had stepped across into Carrie's flat one morning, still arrayed in a soft pink dressing-gown, which she had donned upon rising.