...,且装配误差最小化 用户自定义结构树 提供装配体所用的材料清单 完整的参数化数据关联 4、摹仿变形全局编辑(Morphing):可以为产品快速改型节省大量时间 允许曲面、实体和三角形模型之间进行混合摹仿变形 进行规模化定制的理想工具 由基本...
PAN Morphing 文本变幻效果 ; 文本幻化后果
Morphing Jar 变形壶 ; 手抹壶
Code Morphing 代码融合 ; 代码变形 ; 编码转译
View morphing 视图变形技术 ; 视图变换方法 ; 视点变形
environment morphing 环境过渡 ; 境转换
image morphing 图像变形 ; 图像渐变 ; 图像自然渐变 ; 图像morphing
Sole morphing 鞋底置换
Morphing Aircraft 变体飞机 ; 变形飞机 ; 飞行器
core-morphing 核变形
N-UNCOUNT Morphing is a technique that involves using a computer to make an image on film or television appear to change shape or change into something else. (计算机)图像变形技术
All of these are integral to morphing a good brand into a great brand!
"Birds are constantly morphing, and morphing on different levels," he said.
The financial crisis of 2009 is morphing into the fiscal anxieties of 2010.