most favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇
Most-favored-nation Treatment 最惠国待遇
mutual most favored nation clause 相互最惠国条款
most favored nation treatment mfn 最惠国待遇
limited most favored nation clause 有限最惠国条款
most-favored-nation treatment clause 最惠国待遇条款
同义词: most-favored-nation
以上来源于: WordNet
This will help both China and New Zealand companies conduct business in each other countries to enjoy most-favored-nation treatment relating to services.
There are two forms of most - favored - nation treatment: conditional and unconditional.
最惠国待遇有两种形式: 有条件的和无条件的。
Most-Favored Nation Treatment(MFN), the pillar of international trade, was limited by American domestic laws when it was given between China and U. S. A.
最惠国待遇是国际贸易的柱石。 中美互给最惠国待遇却受到美国国内法的限制。