... 大部份已执行 Mostly Implemented 大部份人说 Most Of Them Say 大部份引擎用尽 Mostly Engine Exhaust ...
They go to work by boat and enjoy it so much that most of them say they will never go by car again.
Most of my experiences from my "just say yes" campaign have been positive, but not all of them.
Most of them still do not consider themselves financially secure; for that, they say, they would require on average one-quarter more wealth than they currently possess.
大部分超级富豪仍然感到他们的财务还没得到保证。 正因如此,他们平均想要多挣相当于他们现在拥有的财富的四分之一。
Now, most of you will say someone that wealthy surely we can tax them to meet the pressing needs of people who lack in education or lack enough to eat or lack decent housing.