...成为本届非洲国度杯第一支冲入四强的球队,队长(Captain)克里斯托弗(Christopher)-卡通戈打入(Into)三球居功至伟(Most valuable),詹姆斯-查曼加四场角逐获得了三场替补退场的时机。世界上最永恒的幸福就是平凡,人生中最长久的拥有就是珍惜。
... Most Valuable 最有价值 ; 居功至伟 ; 最珍贵的 ; 最具价值 valuable experience 宝贵的经验 ; 经历宝贵 ; 宝贵的经历 ; 宝贵经验 valuable a 有价值的 ; 值钱的 ; 贵重的 ; 宝贵的 ...
Most Valuable Player 最有价值球员 ; 最有价值选手 ; 最有价值的运动员
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional 微软最有价值专家 ; 微软最有价值专家奖 ; 微软全球最有价值专家
The most valuable 最宝贵 ; 最珍贵 ; 最可贵的 ; 最具价值
Most Valuable Professional 最有价值专家 ; 软最有价值专家 ; 球最有价值专家称号 ; 最有价值的职业
Most Valuable Partner 最佳创业投资伙伴 ; 伙伴
Most Valuable Professionals 最有价值专家 ; 微软最有价值专家 ; 来自用户
Most valuable quotes 美国网友心目中最深刻的格言
Most Valuable Customer 最有价值顾客 ; 最有价值的顾客 ; 最有价值客户 ; 客户
Most Valuable Person 最有价值的人 ; 员工
同义词: most-valuable
以上来源于: WordNet
The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing.
Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations.
They've learned life's most valuable lesson.
D.C.United won the M.L.S.Cup, the league championship, on the strength of a Most Valuable Player performance by Olsen.
VOA: special.2010.06.02
Again, it's a nice lens for asking yourself, what are the things that are most valuable to you?
Like I said, with the most valuable resource being the president's time, a lot of efficiently running White House time is spent on how to allocate that precious resource.