Motor nerve [解剖] 运动神经 ; 传出神经
Motor nerve ending [组织] 运动神经末梢 ; 运动神经器官末梢
motor nerve conduction velocity 运动神经传导速度 ; 传导速度 ; 运动传导速度 ; 神经的运动传导速度
Motor nerve fibre 运动神经纤维
visceral motor nerve 内脏运动神经
visceral motor nerve ending 内脏运动神经末梢 ; 动神经末梢
motor nerve endings 运动神经末梢
motor nerve conduction 运动神经传导
motor nerve cells 运动神经细胞
motor nerve fibers 而运动神经纤维
A central nervous system-in which specialised sensory and motor nerve cells are clumped together into a nerve cord and brain-is usually the mark of more recent evolution.
The sciatic nerve function index(SFI), the motor nerve conduction velocity(MNCV) and total myelinated axons per sight were counted on 2 and 4 weeks after the surgery.
AIM: to determine ocular motor nerve palsy in patients with head trauma.