[ 复数 moults 第三人称单数 moults 现在分词 moulting 过去式 moulted 过去分词 moulted ]
nymphal moult 若虫脱皮
larval moult 幼虫蜕皮
Louis Moult 路易斯·莫尔特 ; 穆尔特
controlled moult 强制换羽
forced moult 强制换羽
Vin Moult 摄影师维恩·莫尔特
V-I When an animal or bird moults, it gradually loses its coat or feathers so that a new coat or feathers can grow. 脱毛; 换羽
Like most aquatic insects, mayflies moult as they grow.
Like most aquatic insects, mayflies moult as they grow.
Here you can see a falconry hawk, fat in the moult, still eager to be flying and working.
Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only once a year, as their growth rate slows.