moulting gland [昆] 蜕腺 ; 脱皮腺 ; 蜕皮腺
moulting hormone [生理] 蜕皮激素 ; 脱皮激素
moulting silkworm [蚕] 眠蚕
moulting hormone antagonist 抗蜕皮激素
forced moulting 强制换羽
force moulting 强行脱皮
Moulting Lagoon 摩尔廷泻湖
Moulting Oil 换羽油
V-I When an animal or bird moults, it gradually loses its coat or feathers so that a new coat or feathers can grow. 脱毛; 换羽
Like most aquatic insects, mayflies moult as they grow.
Their fur is moulting and evidently they find the warmth uncomfortable.
Our moulting season, like that of the fowls, must be a crisis in our lives.
Moulting usually takes place in the protected moist environment of their burrows.