...恋恋笔记本》在英国上演, 据最先爆出他们秘密结婚消息的《人物》杂志披露,婚礼在南卡罗尼纳州查尔斯顿郊外欢喜山(Mount Pleasant)的布恩大厅庄新娇娘布蕾克Allure写真园举行,该庄园正是浪漫爱情电影《恋恋笔记本》(
卡普朗强调,这个数码艺术园区邻近艺术风气浓厚的温东快乐山区(Mount Pleasant),因此公众的支持度甚高。目前园区道路规划以及建筑物用途已经基本底定,温哥华市府也在去年秋天完成公听程序,信托公司仅需在今...
约翰连侬的鬼魅无处不在,我登上歌神生前常流连的「欢乐山 (Mount Pleasant),山上有一座大教堂,就像巴黎的蒙马特山一样,在日暮黄昏,利物浦,一头病了的睡狮,在灯火千蕊之间沉沉地醒了过来。
Mount Pleasant Cemetery 墓园 ; 乐山公墓 ; 万柏墓园
Mount Pleasant Hotel 快乐山酒店 ; 山悦酒店
Vancouver-Mount Pleasant 快乐山 ; 温哥华
mount pleasant windmill 欢乐山风车磨坊
Mount pleasant Estate 玛丽山酒庄
Mount Pleasant Community Centre 快乐山社区中心
Quality Inn Mount Pleasant 快乐山品质酒店
Mount Pleasant Apartments 芒特普莱森特公寓
以上来源于: WordNet
The starting point for the project was the controversy surrounding the current redevelopment plans for Mount Pleasant, which was once the largest sorting office in London.
Christopher Honts and his colleagues at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant were surprised to find that there was not much research on this question and decided to put that right.
Christopher Honts and his colleagues at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant were surprised to find that there was not much research on this question, and decided to put that right.