mountain-pine (Pinus montana Mill.) 中欧山松 mountain spruce (Picea Engelmanoii) 恩式云杉 mountain Weymouth pine (Pinus monticola Dougl.) 美国五叶松 .
mountain pine [林] 山松 ; 欧洲山松 ; 芒廷派恩 ; 高山陆均松
Swiss mountain pine 瑞士山松
Mountain Pine Ridge 山松山脉
Mugho mountain pine 瑞士山松
californian mountain pine 加州山松
mountain pine beetle 山松甲虫
illawarra mountain pine 山松 ; 柏状澳柏
同义词: Swiss mountain pine dwarf mountain pine mugho pine mugo pine Pinus mugo
以上来源于: WordNet
Mr. Roosevelt's cottage was a bungalow at the top of a pine mountain.
But as global warming snakes its way into higher altitudes, a less-welcome resident in taking up space in this fragile ecosystem: the mountain pine beetle.
The mountain pine beetle is one step closer to crossing North America and turning eastern pine forests into the same bleak landscapes that have scarred the Mountain West in recent years.