The first one was released in 1999 called 风之谷 (Mountain Valley) when she was 18. This is an old folk love song (山地民谣).
mountain-valley breeze [气象] 山谷风
Mountain Valley Spring Water 山谷矿泉水
Mountain Valley Recycling 山谷回收公司
Pine Mountain Valley 派恩马特瓦利 ; 城市
Mountain Valley Spring Company 绿山谷天然泉水公司
The town lay on a flat plain at the base of an Allegheny Mountain valley so steep that the hillsides rose straight upward along the Little Connemaugh River.
VOA: standard.2010.04.26
His eighteen sixty-six painting "Yosemite Valley" gave many people on the East Coast their first introduction to California's beautiful mountain area.
VOA: special.2009.05.01
The valley is also home to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View.
VOA: special.2011.02.15