Over ten thousand soldiers, moving as one in perfect unison.
Out of the flames came two huge dark horses, like great, mythical beasts moving as one, jet black against the brightness of the flames.
Although they weren't trying to coordinate their buying and selling, they ended up acting together, just like a school of fish moving as one.
And one that is moving continues to move at an unchanging speed, so long as no outside force influences it.
VOA: special.2011.06.01
And the dialogue ends with one of the great moving death scenes in western civilization and as Plato says-- let's get the quote here exactly right-- "Of all those we have known, he was the best and also the wisest and the most upright."
Here's a group of sounds, different pitches and actually three different pitches in there, as opposed to just one pitch--one pitch, three pitches or three or four pitches, moving in different ways, kind of independent rhythmic chords, so that's the difference between monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic texture.