...尔夫•费恩斯(Ralph Fiennes)扮演罪犯麦格维奇(Magwitch),罗比•考特拉尼(Robbie Coltrane)扮演贾格斯先生(Mr Jaggers),因(War Horse)而走红的杰里米•艾文(Jeremy Irvine)则出演主角皮普(Pip)。
'No, Mr Jaggers!' cried the man desperately, tears in his eyes. 'Don't say you're against him! I'll pay anything!'
Curious to know how the old gentleman stood informed concerning the reputation of Mr Jaggers, I roared that name at him.
'Please, Mr Jaggers,' he begged, 'my brother is accused of stealing silver. Only you can save him! I'm ready to pay any-thing!'