multi analysis 多元分析
linear multi-analysis 多元线性回归分析
geographic multi-analysis 地学多元分析
non-linear regression multi-analysis 多元非线性回归
multi-channel pulse height analysis 多道脉冲幅度分析
Multi-dimension analysis 多维度分析 ; 多维尺度分析
multi-dimension on-line data analysis 多维联机数据分析
multi-ion analysis 多离子分析
multi-aim analysis 多目标分析
Multi-hop analysis 多跳分析
Objective: To explore the characteristics of traditional Chinese medical syndrome of Myasthenia Gravis(MG) by way of multi-analysis and provid valuable evidence to pathogenesis and trentment.
参考来源 - 重症肌无力中医证候的回顾性调查、分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Evaluation of an application in each of these dimensions is a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA); AHP is one of the methods used in MCDA.
在这每个方面的应用程序评估都是一个多标准决策分析(MCDA): AHP是使用MCDA的方法之一。
It includes multi-perspective views and enables drill-down analysis of events and exceptions.
Because I have done my multi-tier analysis up front, I know that my resources will be pulled to do maintenance at the points highlighted in pink in Figure 9.