multicultural citizenship
...a,从魁北克独立运动与语言政策的争议 5 ,以及对加 拿大原住民问题的观察,建议以多元文化公民权(multicultural citizenship)來提供 民众完整的公民权;Kymlicka 所提出的多元文化公民权内涵包括了自治权(self- government rights),多重族群权(polyeth...
关键词: 公民教育;多元文化教育;多元文化公民身份 [gap=12320]Key words: citizenship education; multicultural education; multicultural citizenship
multicultural citizenship
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
French officials like to contrast their own policy of equal citizenship with the sloppy communautarisme—rights for specific groups—that some countries, including multicultural Britain, tolerate.
法国人所说的国家包括多元文化并存的英国。 而法国人自己则喜欢搬出本国实行的公民平权政策,和这些国家进行比较。
Given the fresh emphasis on citizenship in multicultural countries, this is in some ways a strength of the French system.
ECONOMIST: France's riots
Each year the City of Alexandria, through the Alexandria Multicultural Services Initiative, joins with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in recognizing newly naturalized United States Citizens through the Annual Citizenship Day ceremony.
UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences