但进来强手如林(Multitude of strong)的欧冠小组赛则显得气力不够,境界:有容乃大,无欲则刚4连败后被舍弃已成定局,此役再士兵气如虹的皇马只可寄望于输少当赢。
Sun Hung (Hung Shing) metal factory has always been harder to stand in a multitude of strong forest Nanhai Jinsha town.
With its graceful movements and salubrious effects on health, it has a strong appeal to a vast multitude of people.
因其优美的 运动姿态和对健康的有益影响,武术在广大群众中有很强的 吸引力。
And she had strong rods for the sceptres of them that bare rule, and her stature was exalted among the thick branches, and she appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches.