肌力和肌耐力(Muscular Strength and Endurance) 肌力一般在测验时,是采用测量仪器来作检测(如手部握力器、腰部或腿部 测力器等等);而肌耐力则采用一分钟仰卧起坐的方式。
muscular strength and muscular endurance 肌肉力量与肌肉耐力
However, in recent years, evidence has shown that training programs designed primarily to improve muscular strength and endurance might also offer some health benefits as well.
However, their focus was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.
When we think of attributes that we want to develop in athletes in the weight room, we often think of strength, and for swimmers we look to develop both general and local muscular endurance.