Its contents include: letters, numbers, quantity, colors, the body, opposites, verbs, prepositions, music and much more. Animals, household items, and objects found outdoors are also introduced to help the child relate to her immediate environment.
More a creativity generator than a blog, type any word into the Ideas box and this site coughs up a wealth of related music, images, poetry, colors, tweets and much more to get your juices flowing.
与其说它是博客,不如说是一个创意发电机。 只要在“点子盒子”里输入任何一个单词,这个网站就会联想出一系列相关的音乐、图片、诗歌、色彩、推文以及更多的甚至让你的果汁流动起来的东西。
It features the ability to enter shot titles and descriptions, complete with planned lengths and edited order, indicate shot types: video, still, audio, music, or titles and much more.
His basic message is encouraging and uplifting: people know much more about music than they think.
So because so much popular music and particularly rock music has those chords in root position we can track them more readily.
Ours a much more visual-- it's a much more analytical-- type of approach to music and it has its pros and cons.
And so generally speaking what we end up with classical music-it's much more diversified.