... 音乐表演Music Performance 音乐理论及作曲Music Theory and Composition 音乐学和民族音乐Musicology and Ethnomusicology ...
美国东南密苏里州立大学(吉拉多角)就读音乐理论和作曲(Music Theory and Composition)专业将获得音乐硕士学位,要就读东南密苏里州立大学(吉拉多角)业需要雅思或托福成绩,要求雅思成绩总分为6,要求托福成绩总分为7...
...0(本科人数) - 音乐表演(演奏),概述(Music Performance, General) 18(本科人数) - 乐理和作曲(Music Theory and Composition) 0(本科人数) - 音乐学,概述(Music, General) 10(本科人数) 地理环境 位置 迪保尔大学位于美国印第安纳州的格林卡斯特勒,占地1...
业申请 中文名称:音乐理论与作曲 英文名称:Music Theory and Composition 专业介绍 音乐理论与作曲专业一方面教授音乐的基础知识,一方面教授如何作曲。 适合人群 自我显示性、变化型,对音乐理论知识掌握较好,音乐修养出色,喜欢自制录音
Ა Music Theory and Composition 音乐理论及作曲
Music c Theory and Composition 音乐理论和作曲 ; 音乐理论及作曲
Music - Composition and Theory 音乐作曲理论
Music Composition and Theory 音乐创作和理论 ; 音乐作曲和理论
Music Dating Theory and Composition 音乐理论及作曲
Music Marketing Theory and Composition 音乐理论及作曲
Music Composition and Theory 音乐作曲和理论
HuangZi was a representative of all these musicians for his great contribution to the theory of music, composition and music education that we should learn more from him.
The article focus on research on the new music in 20th century as well as the necessity of bringing those new music and modern composition technique and theory into the specialty teaching.
I graduated from Canada in Civil Engineering Program, then I study music in theory and composition, after that I take the Master of music distance learning in Beijing.