一抹亮丽的黄色能够为室内设计带来一丝温和与生机,芥末黄(Mustard Yellow)是一种在2014能够带来无限可能的色彩,黄色代表着成功,时尚以及能够激发室内设计的阳光面。
尺寸:单一尺寸颜色:薄荷色(mint)|芥末黄色(mustard yellow)|粉色(pink)|黑色(black)|橘色(orange)|蓝色(blue)尺寸:2.8 * 4.9 cm
Mustard Yellow Belt 芥末黄腰带
mustard-yellow polypore 淡黄多孔菌
Mustard yellow living room 芥末黄色客厅
Yellow mustard 黄芥末 ; 黄芥末酱 ; 黄芥茉 ; 黄色芥末酱
Potherb mustard yellow croaker soup 雪菜黄鱼汤
Coveted Mustard Yellow International Belt 国际芥末酱黄腰带
Yellow mustard seed 黄芥茉籽
Mustard Seeds Yellow 黄芥末籽
Yellow Mustard sauce 黄芥末调味酱
Depending on the variety its knotty rhizomes range from mustard yellow to lemon yellow.
Mustard yellow and Burgundy are popular this season, adding a pop of color to the usual black-on-black theme.
This sounds simple, but there has been a big battle raging between two countries for the championship Mustard Yellow Belt.
这听起来很单纯,不过有两个国家却为了争夺Mustard Yellow Belt这条冠军腰带而掀起一场激烈大战。